Once in a Blue Moon… Are you ready to let go?

How is the full moon affecting your energy, mood and emotions?

Full moons are energetically powerful, deeply creative and intensely magical times!

The next full moon on July 31st is very special. It will be the second full moon of July. As such, we call it a Blue Moon. A blue moon only occurs approximately every 2.7 years and its energy is 12 times more powerful than a regular full moon. It is a rare phenomenon that should not be missed!

In The Magic of a Blue Moon, Alex Myles breaks down for us why tomorrow’s blue moon is so powerful. In short, it is time for us to take control and take the power back from areas of our lives that have been roaming free and taking us down a road that lead to nowhere.

There will be no looking away…

Everything from our past is about to be illuminated and areas that desperately need focusing on will be brought to our attention. We will meet with certain issues that have been haunting us face-to-face and rather than being fearful, we should see this as an excellent chance for growth and transformation. You’ve been warned!

We will question everything around us…

We will be seeing ourselves in a new light.

We will soon find that the people and situations that do not offer mutual love, support and acceptance will gently drop by the wayside and this will leave an abundance of space for new, interesting and exciting people or opportunities to take their place.

The people who stay beside us on our paths will be there because they have chosen us and we have chosen them. These people are not staying out of sheer convenience, out of laziness or, gasp, out of fear of seeing the truth. These people are “once in a blue moon” connections. They have a special place in our lives and their presence in this particular moment will make us grow.

Who have you been interacting with lately?

What have you been learning from them?

What are you learning about yourself by spending time with them?

Dive deeper: embrace magic

Close your eyes, sit under the moon glow, listen to your inner self, make the wish that has been repeating in your mind. Visualize your wishes, feel the magic of this special day.

Can you see, feel, sense and embody your true heart’s desire?

Setting an intention

Whether you are planning on spending the evening alone or with family and friends, you can celebrate the magic of this blue moon. Whether you listen to this introspective and relaxing Moon & Cedar full moon meditation, or follow a full moon ritual, make sure you set a clear intention for this full moon as it will influence the next two and a half years!

What are you choosing to let go?

What thoughts, feelings and emotions are weighing you down? Can you set them free?

What do you need to release in order to resurface, rediscover your lightness, fly and soar high?

Full Moon ritual by Pixie Lighthorse

Pixie Lighthorse is a wonderful healer and medicine woman. She reminds us that Full Moons have a tendency to bring everything that was dark in the New Moon phase into the light. It can be an emotional time and a great chance to weep, dance, sweat and swim with intention around releasing stored feelings which haven’t been expressed.

  • Gather in circle with others or create a solitary space to honor your wisdom
  • Open your circle with acknowledgment of the four directions and the phases you’ve completed, taking time to voice and honor the struggles which have cracked you open, and the triumphs which have lent to your awakenings
  • Harvest, dry and assemble a bundle of herbs and plant medicine containing your prayers for the Blue Moon period (remember, it’s two and a half years!) and put them in a fire so the smoke will carry them upward to the spirits
  • Create a simple song which honors you and your journey and sing it up to the moon
  • Feast on the foods which support and bring medicine to your journey!

How will you honor your wisdom, struggles and journey?

What awakenings are you reminded of on this beautiful full moon?

What are you grateful for?


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